Category Archives: News

Give Thanks – Psalm 107

Give Thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. Psalm 107:1 To all of the Corpus Christi Family, Our best wishes to you and your loved ones for a Happy Thanksgiving Day and a Happy Holiday Season. May your thanksgiving be blessed with the bounty of the season in the company…

Christmas Waffers

The Christmas Wafers for the Traditional Christmas Celebrations (Lithuanian “Kucios” & Polish “Wigilia”) are now available. You must call first to make an appointment to pick them up. You may obtain them for a Free Will Donation. Please call either David Boucher at 978-337-3737 or the Parish Office at 978-687-9047 to make your appointment to…

Saint Rita Sodality News

Membership in St. Rita’s Sodality Are you interested in becoming a member of St. Rita’s Sodality? The Sodality perpetuates devotion to St. Rita through prayer and charitable works in her name. Through our activities, we continue to support our beloved church, both spiritually and financially. If you are a woman, 18 years or older, wishing…

Corpus Christi Parish Pastoral Council Meeting November 15, 2021

In attendance were Father Mawn, Father Peter, Father Francis, Pedro Cosme, Patricia Ferguson, Wayne Pickles, Connie Pickles, Cesar Tellez, Frank Sapienza, Josie Paolino, Patricia Mariano and Thomas Witham. Absent were Carl Benanti, Marilinda Cruz, Gabriela Calouro, and Fatima Andrade. Father Mawn opened the meeting with a prayer. Religious Education Update – The religious education program…

Mass Intentions – November 20th to 28th, 2021

Saturday, November 20 4:00pm For all the parishioners, John Dadducci, Antonio & Mary Ferrara (Thanksgiving rem.), Arthur & Louise Joaquin Frank & Agnes Ford (Anniv.), Sebastiano LaSpina, Roland Mariano, Alicia Pickles (13th Anniv.), William & Robert Skorupka, Thomas & Helena Napolitano & dec’d family, David & Elaine Pickles & dec’d family, Richard Tatarunis, Constance Girgenti…