From the Pastor – September 27th 2020


We are looking at several options, mostly on-line especially for the lower grades. Our next priority is to celebrate First Confessions [postponed from March], and First Holy Communion [postponed from last May]. Here are the new dates for the 2019-2020 religious education year:

FIRST CONFESSIONS: Sat., October 3rd at 10:30am.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: Sat., October 17th at 10:30am.

These will all be celebrated in the upper church where masks are required and participants are to sign in and observe social distancing.


Thanks to all who have donated through the Archdiocese of Boston’s “90 Days” program. In addition to the weekly collection, we are now focusing on the go-fund-me page which can be accessed through the parish website:

Let your family and friends who have/had some connection to the parish know about this campaign. FYI remember also that October is “grand annual” month. More information later.


This annual appeal in benefit of the Archdiocese of Boston, continues through the end of the year. If you have not contributed, you can ask for an envelope with pledge form as you exit the church and return next week. Thank you.


October is also, “head-count” month. Forms are available in the sacristy. Thank you.


Traditionally, October is designated as month of the holy rosary, with the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary being celebrated on October 7th. Shortly after his election as Pope in October of 1978, St. John Paul II said that the rosary was his favorite prayer; a summary of the gospel; a prayerful look at Jesus through the eyes of Mary. If you’ve let it go by the wayside, I encourage you to take up the rosary again.


October is also respect for life month. As Catholics we are committed to the respect and dignity due to each person from the moment of conception to natural death. Pope John Paul II warned us of the growing culture of death.

This is becoming more and more obvious as time goes on.

Fr. Mawn